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We're supposed to believe football, basketball, and tennis are harder than water polo? Please.
You can't beat what you can't catch
Enjoy life, play water polo
You can't beat what you can't catch
Forget that before water polo players even get to things like passing and shooting, they have to survive their opponents' best efforts to drown them like unwanted kittens
You can't beat what you can't catch
Show me the boxer who levitates and shoots a ball with a defender in his face while he's bobbing and weaving. Until then, show me your love for water polo and the amazing athletes who play it.
You can't beat what you can't catch
If water polo was easy everyone would do it
You can't beat what you can't catch
These guys egg-beater their legs for 32 minutes in nine feet of water, muscle each other for position and rise up into the air like they're jumping off a trampoline to shoot and block shots
You can't beat what you can't catch
Water polo players take 50-mph shots in the face and breathe in lungs-full of water. And they keep coming back for more
You can't beat what you can't catch
For all you socalled "athletes". We dont have one simple job per player. We are offense, defense, driver, blocker, and striker. We make our own choices on the fly, in the heat of battle, We dont get little breathers in between action to have one guy tell us what to do. We play a REAL sport
You can't beat what you can't catch
From a distance, water polo can look deceptively graceful and fluid. The players seem to glide through the water, the ball skips and hops from one outstretched arm to the next.
You can't beat what you can't catch
A water polo player swims 1.5 miles a game, with another player dragging and climbing all over him, pushing his head under the water and saying unkind things about his mamma when he comes up for air.
You can't beat what you can't catch
Suggest to your friends, water polo is real easy. Lets see how many real athletes we can find
You can't beat what you can't catch
Assuming you love water polo, watch out because all of our kids are photographed all the time in this sport and who knows what photos of innocent kids in speedos are floating around in the hands of creepy people.
You can't beat what you can't catch
In China, they don't know about the swimming pool game, but they know about Marco Polo
You can't beat what you can't catch
I've always thought having a kid that played soccer would be the worst punishment. After watching 3 min of water polo I stand corrected
You can't beat what you can't catch
Water Polo is the most inviting sport I've ever seen
You can't beat what you can't catch
Water polo is a very underrated sport it's a water version of wrestling/rugby/handball/swimming 4 sports that are excruciatingly difficult.
You can't beat what you can't catch
Another aspect of the game that players must be prepared for is underwater violence. Under the water, anything goes....even biting,
You can't beat what you can't catch
Mix swimming and basketball with soccer. Toss in some wrestling for good measure. And you have a pretty good description of the exciting, fast-paced sport of water polo
You can't beat what you can't catch
There isn’t always blood in the water but the show usually ends with medical treatment needed
You can't beat what you can't catch
Tony Azevedo is to United States water polo as Michael Jordan is to United States basketball
You can't beat what you can't catch
Professional water polo has been shunned for so long that the sport's leaders now fear for its survival.
You can't beat what you can't catch
Water polo would be much more interesting if they hadn't gotten rid of the horses.
You can't beat what you can't catch
It's pretty exciting, watching people climb all over each other in the pool, and how we're staying above water and keeping afloat, and then getting up big, taking shots.
You can't beat what you can't catch
Stamina is essential to success in water polo, as players are required to tread water throughout the match
You can't beat what you can't catch
Physical contact is allowed and the game can be surprisingly violent.
You can't beat what you can't catch
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